
Journal section "Social development"

Demographic problems of the Republic of Belarus and their solutions

Shakhotko L.P.

4 (16), 2011

Shakhotko L.P. Demographic problems of the Republic of Belarus and their solutions. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2011, no. 4 (16)

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
Last year the realization term of the National Program of demographic security of the Republic of Belarus for 2007–2010 was over. The author of the article analyzes the implementation of the program paper from the angle of some certain indices. Some current demographic problems of the country are also considered, short-term and long-term perspectives are estimated. The author suggests some ways for further protection of demographic security of the Republic of Belarus


prognosis, migration, demography, demographic security, demographic situation, fertility, life expectancy, population policy

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