
Journal section "Social development"


Morev M.V., Ljubov E.B.

6 (18), 2011

Morev M.V., Ljubov E.B. SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DAMAGE DUE TO POPULATION’S MORTALITY FROM SUICIDES. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2011, no. 6 (18)

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The paper presents an analysis of the social and economic burden of suicide death rate in Russia, conducted by research team of ISEDT RAS in research “Social health of the population” in cooperation with the Federal State University “The Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Psychiatry” of the Health Ministry in Russian Federation. The place of suicide in the structure of mortality is defined. It is shown that Russia is a country with the highest suicide rate in Europe. Social and economic costs of suicide in different age and gender groups at the regional and state levels are counted. Its highest level is among men aged 20 to 29 years. The regions with the highest number of lost years of productive life due to suicide are concentrated in the south of Russia (the Volga, Urals and Siberian federal districts). A comparative assessment of suicides burden in the rankings with the common mortality causes from natural and external causes is given. By the level of socio-economic loss suicides far exceed the other causes of the class, “Accidents, injuries and poisoning” and are comparable to the losses caused by coronary heart disease


suicide, social and economic damage

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