
Journal section "Modeling and forecast of socio-economic processes"

Experience in Agent-Based Modeling of Interregional Value Chains

Lukin E.V., Anosova T.S., Mel'nikov A.E., Sidorov M.A.

Volume 13, Issue 6, 2020

Experience in agent-based modeling of interregional value chains. E.V. Lukin, T.S. Anosova, A.E. Mel’nikov, M.A. Sidorov. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2020, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 101–116. DOI: 10.15838/esc.2020.6.72.6

DOI: 10.15838/esc.2020.6.72.6

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
Solving the problem of implementing powerful socio-economic breakthrough in Russia requires the formulation and implementation of the latest practices for the development of the corporate sector, civil society, and state institutions. In theory, these practices should be the product of some innovative activity in the management sphere. However, world experience shows that initiatives correlating with the current development paradigm and are its logical continuation can provide no less effective results. In particular, we are talking about the Russian policy of industrial diversification and import substitution. The country is definitely making progress in these areas, but it is too early to talk about confident results. Meanwhile, a reasonable and, most important solution of the issue, which is not contrary to the interests of the elite, has been in the focus of the scientific community for several years, this is the value chains. Handled properly, they can act as a driver for the development of territories, business, and the social sphere. The purpose of the research is the formulation and testing the tools for value chains modeling. In turn, the novelty of the tools lies in the possibility of taking into account the interregional factor of interaction and the availability of functionality for the implementation of variable calculations of the developing phenomena in the economy. The model peculiarity is provided by the synthesis of methods of intersectoral balance and agent-based modeling which, according to other research teams, provides greater accuracy and realism of modeling. In the course of the study, the authors analyze domestic and foreign experience in designing value chains, and present their characteristics in the regional context. The researchers represent a consequence assessment associated with stimulating consumer demand and the expected effect that can be caused by the value chains value chains development


agent-based modeling, value chains, interregional interaction, tables “input – output”

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