
Journal section "Innovative development"

Organizational-economic maintenance of innovation activity in the region: comparative assessment

Antipina N.I.

2 (32), 2014

Antipina N.I. Organizational-economic maintenance of innovation activity in the region: comparative assessment. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2014, no. 2 (32), pp. 148-157. DOI: 10.15838/esc/2014.2.32.14

DOI: 10.15838/esc/2014.2.32.14

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article proposes the approach to evaluate the organizational-economic maintenance of innovation activity in the regions in quantitative and qualitative indicators, as well as the method to calculate the assessment of regulatory support of this activity. It justifies the author’s approach of comparative efficiency evaluation of innovation legislation and regions’ innovation development level. The article gives the qualitative estimation of regulatory support of innovation development in the regions that are innovation leaders. It singles out key directions to develop regulatory support of innovation activity, which encourage RF subjects’ innovation activity


region, innovation policy, innovation activity, regulatory support

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