
Journal section "Theoretical issues"

Neo-industrial development model and its system algorithm

Gubanov S.S.

3 (33), 2014

Gubanov S.S. Neo-industrial development model and its system algorithm. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2014, no. 3 (33), pp. 23-44. DOI: 10.15838/esc/2014.3.33.3

DOI: 10.15838/esc/2014.3.33.3

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
  1. See: Gubanov S. Vosproizvodstvo rabochikh mest i “novaya norma” FRS SShA (teoreticheskie aspekty) [Reproduction of Jobs and the “New Standard” of the U.S. Federal Reserve System (Theoretical Aspects)]. Ekonomist [Economist], 2013, no.2; continuation: Gubanov S. Vosproizvodstvo rabochikh mest i «novaya norma» FRS SShA (analiticheskii aspekt) [Reproduction of Jobs and the “New Standard” of the U.S. Federal Reserve System (Analytical Aspect)]. Ekonomist [Economist], 2013, no.7.
  2. See, for example: Novyi kurs Rossii [New Course for Russia]. Sovetskaya Rossiya [Soviet Russia], 1992, November 19; special edition: Novyi kurs Rossii [New Course for Russia]. Ed. by. S.S. Gubanov. Moscow: Paleya, 1993. P. 11.
  3. Gubanov S. Stankostroenie: usloviya konkurentosposobnosti [Machine-Tool Industry: Conditions for Competitiveness]. Ekonomist [Economist], 2000, no.9, p. 3 ff.
  4. Lenin V.I. Poln. sobr. soch. [Collected Works]. Vol. 39. P. 21.
  5. See: Stalin I. O proekte Konstitutsii Soyuza SSR. Doklad na Chrezvychainom VIII Vsesoyuznom s”ezde Sovetov. 25 noyabrya 1936 g. [About the Draft Constitution of the USSR. The Report on the Extraordinary Eighth All-Union Congress of Soviets, November 25, 1936]. Moscow: OGIZ, 1946.
  6. See: Lenin V.I. Poln. sobr. soch. [Collected Works]. Vol. 36. P. 296.; Vol. 43. P. 207.
  7. See: Gubanov S. Tempy rosta i vozdeistvie na nikh gosudarstva [Growth Rates and the Impact of the Government on Them]. Ekonomist [Economist], 2003, no.6.
  8. Larina E. Illarionov Goes Public, Plays It Close to Vest. The Russia Journal, 2000, vol. 3, no.15.
  9. Holley D. Dissenter Resigns Kremlin Position. The Los Angeles Times, 2005, December 28; Illarionov A. The Rise of the Corporate State in Russia. Cato Institute. Washington, DC. Policy Forum, 2006.
  10. See: Matvienko V. O novoi industrializatsii Rossii [About a New Industrialization of Russia]. Ekonomist [Economist], 2013. no.7, p.4.
  11. See: Daskovskii V., Kiselev V. Osnovy novoi strategii, modeli i politiki neoindustrial’noi rekonstruktsii [The Foundations of a New Strategy, Models and Policy of Neo-Industrial Reconstruction]. Ekonomist [Economist], 2014, no.1, p. 42.

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