
Journal section "Book reviews and reports"

Review of the Collective Monograph “Atlas of Modernization of Russia and Its Regions: Socio-Economic and Socio-Cultural Trends and Issues”

Oboturova N.S.

Volume 10, Issue 2, 2017

Oboturova N.S. Review of the Collective Monograph “Atlas of Modernization of Russia and Its Regions: Socio-Economic and Socio-Cultural Trends and Issues”. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2017, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 301-307. DOI: 10.15838/esc.2017.2.50.17

DOI: 10.15838/esc.2017.2.50.17

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
  1. Atlas modernizatsii Rossii i ee regionov: sotsioekonomicheskie i sotsiokul'turnye tendentsii i problemy [Atlas of modernization of Russia and its regions: socio-economic and socio-cultural trends and issues]. Collective scientific work. Compiler and executive editor: RAS Corresponding Member N.I. Lapin. Moscow Izdatel'stvo “Ves' Mir”, 2016. 360 p. (In Russian).
  2. Buldakov V.P. Modernizatsiya i Rossiya. Mezhdu progressom i zastoem? [Modernization and Russia. Between progress and stagnation?]. Voprosy filosofii [Issues of philosophy], 2015, no.12, pp. 15–27. (In Russian).

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