“Russian Federation – a Welfare State?” Assessing the Results of 25 years of Implementation of Article 7 of the Russian Constitution
Ilyin Vladimir A., Morev Mikhail V.
pp. 9-25
Structural Transformation Issues in Regional Economy
Lukin Evgenii V., Uskova Tamara V.
pp. 26-40
Approaches to the Assessment of the Natural Capital of Forests and the Prospects for Modernization of Forest Management in the Context of Green Economy
Noskov Vladimir A., Shishelov Maksim A.
pp. 41-56
Territorial Differentiation and Mechanism for Its Reduction
Voroshilov Nikolai V., Gubanova Elena S.
pp. 57-72
Development Scenarios for Russia’s Dairy Industry
Kuzin Andrei A., Medvedeva Natal’ya A., Zadumkin Konstantin A., Vakhrusheva Vera V.
pp. 73-88
Sustainable Development of the Agri-Food Sector: Russia’s Priorities and Directions to Adapt Agenda 2030 to Russian Conditions
Cherednichenko Ol’ga A., Dovgot’ko Natal’ya A., Yashalova Natal'ya N.
pp. 89-108
Taxation in the System of Natural Resource Management and its Influence on the Economic Development of Northern Territories
Lazhentsev Vitalii N., Chuzhmarova Svetlana I., Chuzhmarov Andrei I.
pp. 109-126
Metaphor for Trust: the “Umbrella Effect” in Global Science
Davydenko Vladimir A., Romashkina Gul'nara F., Andrianova Elena V., Lazutina Dar’ya V.
pp. 127-142
“Live and Learn”: Conceptual Discourse on People’s Financial Literacy
Belekhova Galina V., Kalachikova Ol'ga N.
pp. 143-162
Performance-Based Pay – a New (Mixed) Payment Scheme for Russian Civil Servants
Grinberg Ruslan S., Akhunov Rustem R., Volodin Andrey I., Gubarev Roman V., Dzyuba Evgeniy I.
pp. 163-183
The Need for Workforce in Constituent Entities of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation
Zaikov Konstantin S., Kondratov Nikolai A., Kudryashova Elena V., Tamitskii Aleksandr M.
pp. 184-201
Provision of Social and Resource Support to the Policy of Socio-Cultural Modernization of Regions by the Population with Higher Education
Len’kov Roman V.
pp. 202-211
Social Investment as a Tool for Modernization of the Demographic Development in the Far East
Naiden Svetlana N., Belousova Anna V.
pp. 212-228
Factor Analysis Reflecting the Impact of Labor Migration on the Spread of Socially Dangerous Diseases in Russia
Livshits Marina L., Neklyudova Natalya P.
pp. 229-243
University Partnership System as a Factor in the Development of Youth Entrepreneurship
Doroshenko Svetlana V., Eroshenko Evgenii P.
pp. 244-258
Public Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society
pp. 259-266
Index of Articles Published in 2018
pp. 267-270
Manuscript Submission Guidelines
pp. 271-274
Subscription Information
pp. 275