From the chief editor
Ilyin Vladimir A.
On the condition and development perspectives of timber processing complex in the Vologda regione important factor of optimization of economic development
Pozgalyov Vyacheslav E.
Problems of timber complex in the Arkhangelsk region and ways of their solution
Toskunina Vera E.
Development of timber processing complex in Karelia Republic: tendencies and perspectives
Shishulina Zoya I.
Implementation of investment projects as a tool of timber complex territorial structure transformation (on the example of Komi Republic)
Gibezh Aleksandr A.
Predictive estimate of income from timber use in Komi Republic
Noskov Vladimir A.
Major changes in legal regulation of the forestry
Ivanova Ludmila V., Larichkin Fyodor D., Kharitonova Galina N.
Institutional development of forestry system in modern Russia
Kozyreva Galina B.
Russian banks transition to international standards of «Basel II» agreement problems and prospect
Kholnova Yelena G.
Peculiarities of product-sharing agreements application in Russia
Zershikova Nataliya I.
Problems and perspectives of software products usage in Russia
Skufina Tatiana P., Baranov Sergey V.
Juvenile neglect as a factor of regional socio-economic dynamics
Popova Vera I.
Некоторые результаты этапов мониторинга общественного мнения, проведенных в регионах СЗФО в 2008 году
Конференция по экономическому и научно-инновационному сотрудничеству регионов России и Беларуси *
Gulin Konstantin A.
Состояние, тенденции и перспективы развития российского лесного комплекса (в картосхемах, графиках, таблицах)