

Dear colleagues!

You can subscribe to the journal Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast founded by Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (VolRC RAS).

The journal publishes research findings of the studies that assess the efficiency of functioning of regional socio-economic systems in the Northwestern Federal District of Russia, economic sectors and municipalities within this District in the following areas:

  • development strategy;
  • regional economics;
  • social development;
  • foreign economic relations;
  • information economics;
  • extended reproduction, etc.

According to the Decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the journal Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast is on the List of peer-reviewed scientific journals and editions that are authorized to publish the principal research findings of doctoral (candidate’s) dissertations in scientific specialties: 22.00.00 – sociological sciences; 08.00.00 – economic sciences

Coverage and indexing of the journal in Russian and foreign databases

The journal is covered in the Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). Further information is available here.

In May 2016, the journal Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast received a Certificate of Quality that confirms its compliance with international standards and criteria of Elsevier’s abstract and citation database Scopus.

The main purpose of the journal is to provide the scientific community and practitioners with an opportunity to get acquainted with research findings in the sphere of scientific support of the economy of territories, and to participate in the discussion of these issues.

The journal’s editorial board that carries out independent examination of scientific articles consists of the leading scientists from several regions of Russia.

The journal is issued six times a year.

There are several ways to subscribe to the journal Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast.

At an office of the Russian Post

The easiest and the quickest way is to subscribe to the journal at an office of the Russian Post via the integrated catalog “Press of Russia”. The journal’s subscription index is 41319.

You can find the journal in the catalogue at an office of the Russian Post: by subject, in alphabetic order, and by index. When you subscribe to the journal at an office of the Russian Post, you will find the journal in the section “Economics. Statistics” in the catalog “Press of Russia”.

At the journal’s editorial office

Our Manager will advise you on the subscription.

You can purchase the journal under a contract via cashless payment.

Manager: Anna Stanislavovna Artamonova

Phone: 8 (8172)59-78-10 (ext. 387)


Online subscription

You can subscribe to the journal online at the website