
Journal section "Modeling and forecast of socio-economic processes"

Assessing Population’s Quality of Life on the Basis of Intelligent Algorithms and Dynamic Modeling

Gainanov D.A., Zakiyeva E.S.

Volume 13, Issue 5, 2020

Gainanov D.A., Zakieva E.Sh. Assessing population’s quality of life on the basis of intelligent algorithms and dynamic modeling. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2020, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 121–134. DOI: 10.15838/esc.2020.5.71.7

DOI: 10.15838/esc.2020.5.71.7

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article deals with the issues of research, modeling and management of society as a societal system. The authors propose a methodology for studying society based on the system composition of the main structures of activities organization, as well as the integration of general scientific laws and approaches. The peculiarity of the methodology is that society is represented as system integrity and a unity of economic, political, social, spiritual, and cultural sub-systems. Improving population’s quality of life is considered a criterion for society’s development and, at the same time, the effectiveness of its management. The paper proposes the models for assessing the quality of life as an integral indicator of the society’s quality of functioning and development, which allow evaluating this indicator, studying its structure, and the dynamics of its changes. An algorithm for managing the functioning quality of the societal system, based on the assessment of the integral index, is developed. A special feature of the algorithm is the complex application of data mining and dynamic modeling methods. The algorithm includes two main stages. At the first stage, data mining is performed on the quality of the system functioning in the selected area in the regional context. The results of the analysis allow identifying the clusters of regions and determining their characteristic features. The second stage involves developing the integral index structure and a dynamic model for assessing the functioning quality of the societal system on the basis of the integral index calculation, producing control actions in the form of changes in the volume of investments taking into account the characteristics of the constructed clusters. The authors consider the case of the developed algorithm implementation for quality management of social infrastructure in the regions of the Russian Federation, which allowed determining the recommended change in the level of investment in social infrastructure development by the regional clusters


quality of life, integral index, societal system, management algorithm, sampling, principal component method, regional clusters, dynamic model, social infrastructure quality

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