
Journal section "Science, technology and innovation studies"

Scenarios for the development of the Sharing Economy: Digital Technologies and Value Orientations

Veretennikova A.Y.

Volume 16, Issue 6, 2023

Veretennikova A.Yu. (2023). Scenarios for the development of the sharing economy: Digital technologies and value orientations. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 16(6), 122–137. DOI: 10.15838/esc.2023.6.90.7

DOI: 10.15838/esc.2023.6.90.7

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The expansion of the sharing economy is related both to the rapid technological and digital development and to the transformation of behavioral patterns based on the development of network relations and the search for new forms of cooperation. However, the scenarios for the spread of this economic system will differ from country to country due to the heterogeneity of socio-economic conditions. The aim of the study is to identify scenarios for the development of the sharing economy, taking into account technological and value characteristics of a territory. The methodology of this study includes correlation and regression analysis, systematization methods, descriptive statistics, and graphical method. The information base for the study is data from the Timbro Sharing Economy Index, the World Bank, and the World Values Survey. As part of the research, we formulated and tested hypotheses on the impact of digital development and values on the development of the sharing economy. We show that the key factors in the development of the sharing economy are the level of digital technology as well as postmaterialist values. In the course of the study we identify and describe clusters of countries distinguished by these parameters. We formulate and describe scenarios for the development of the sharing economy. We reveal that these scenarios differ not only in the level of development of digital technologies and the readiness of citizens to use services of the sharing economy, but also in the scale of the territory to which the principle of collaborative consumption applies. Theoretical significance of the obtained results consists in modeling the development of the sharing economy and forecasting possible directions of its development. Practical significance is the application of these scenarios in the formation of urban infrastructure or the design of smart cities


scenario, values, digital technology, sharing economy, postmaterialist values

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