
Journal section "Development strategy"

Region management in terms of sustainable development

Kirillova S.А., Kantor O.G.

5 (29), 2013

Kirillova S.А., Kantor O.G. Region management in terms of sustainable development. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2013, no. 5 (29)

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article considers the approach towards the improvement of the management of regional development, which is based on determining the character and direction of the influence of a number of factors on regional development by applying the method of principal components. The approbation of the suggested approach to the statistical data of the regions of the Russian Federation for 2000–2010 in terms of the region’s major subsystems allowed the absence of progressive development tendencies to be stated, as well as the character and the direction of the influence of the investigated factors, which in the regional management practice permit taking the regions to the sustainable development pathway, to be determined


sustainable development, safe and balanced development, regional development management, method of principal components, vector of generalized influence, vector of development, factors of regional efficiency

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