
Journal section "Young researchers"

Spatial behavior of prices in the Russian Federation in 2003–2012

Stupnikova A.V.

3 (33), 2014

Stupnikova A.V. Spatial behavior of prices in the Russian Federation in 2003–2012. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2014, no. 3 (33), pp. 248-261. DOI: 10.15838/esc/2014.3.33.19

DOI: 10.15838/esc/2014.3.33.19

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The heterogeneity of economic development and specifics of the spatial position of regions implies that the regional markets in the country are characterized by varying degrees and trends of price dynamics. The multidirectional and disproportionate changes in the prices in the regional markets, in turn, show that integration in the national market is poor. The work presents the results of research into the spatial behavior of prices in the Russian Federation in 2003–2012, carried out mainly using the descriptive analysis of consumer prices based on the identification of the measures of dispersion of price indicators – standard deviation and the range of variation. The analysis of consumer price indices dynamics shows that the year 2008 is a period of greatest price growth, and also proves that the prices for services and foodstuffs are subject to the highest fluctuations. The analysis of the prices for the fixed set of goods and services shows that consumer prices in the Russian Federation subjects during the analyzed period changed unevenly; however, beginning from 2009 there is a positive trend of reducing fluctuations in their growth rates. The assessment of the spatial dynamics of consumer prices in Russia in 2003–2012 reveals the regions that deviate from the general trend of price behavior to the greatest extent. Judging by the results of the assessment, the greatest differences in prices were observed in the subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District (FEFD). Another important fact is as follows: the high volatility of food prices was observed not only in the remote regions, but also in the neighboring subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District; it allows us to assume that the integration of the food market of the border regions of the district at the national level is poor


spatial behavior of prices, price volatility, spatial market integration

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