
Journal section "Social development"

Modern Russian Demographic Policy in the Field of Fertility: Results and Areas for Improvement

Popova L.A.

2 (44), 2016

Popova L.A. Modern Russian Demographic Policy in the Field of Fertility: Results and Areas for Improvement. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2016, no. 2 (44), pp. 79-93. DOI: 10.15838/esc.2016.2.44.5

DOI: 10.15838/esc.2016.2.44.5

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
During last years in Russia the active state demographic policy, directed on the support of second and subsequent births, is leading. The article describes its evolution, evaluates efficiency and recommends directions of its improvement. It was detected, that increment of measures of demographic policy by introduction in 2011 the regional maternity capitals to a third child in addition to the federal capital to a second child gave a perceptible positive results. It allowed continuing the positive trend of fertility already in the condition of the beginning deterioration the age structure of the women in the childbearing age; maximally realize the births, which were postponed by the older generations; to increase number of children on account of additional births; to enhance the family component of fertility. Despite of concerns, the growth of reproductive attitudes happened not only in the older cohorts of the population. Conducted in 2013 sociological research gives grounds to expect, that minorities generations 1990 years of birth, which will be determine prospects of fertility, will reach the level of slightly expanded reproduction of population. In the conditions of deterioration the age structure of fertile contingents the demographic policy must be elongated and improved. All components of economic demographic measures must be saved, including child allowances to needy families, but with increasing the horizon of its assignment to adulthood of child. The directions of maternity capitals realizations must be expanded. During the develop of new measures of demographic policy need to focus on psychological measures of formation the value orientations of the population in area of number of children, on improvement of qualitative structure of fertility and strengthening of the family institute. The economic measures need to redirect on the second births, which are more family. The general line of family demographic policy is the increasing of economic independence of the families by growth of employment and incomes from labor activity and development the preferential housing programs to the families with children


reproductive attitudes, demographic policy, the level and structure of fertility, calendar of births, real generations

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