Petrov М.B., Kurushina E.V., Druzhinina I.V. Institutional response of regional socio-economic systems to investing in human capital increment: assessment technique. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2018, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 195–214. DOI: 10.15838/esc.2018.3.57.13
Modern theories view human capital as the main source of economic growth. Managing the concentration of human capital to form new growth centers, provided by the Concept of the strategy of Russia’s spatial development, requires the use of effective institutions. The authors’ method of studying the responses of socio-economic systems to changes in the institutional conditions of human capital increment helps determine the ranking of the impact of material and institutional factors applying the methodological tools of regression analysis using dummy variables. Moreover, the study based on the proposed method makes it possible to take into account the heterogeneous nature of the socio-economic space of Russian regions in the context of human-oriented development paradigm in assessing the effectiveness of institutions based on comparative analysis of standardized coefficients of institutional variables in the regression models of the managed characteristics of human capital by regional clusters. The testing of the methodology on the example of institutional impact on the reproductive increment of the quantitative component of human capital in Russian regions for 2005–2015 has revealed the great importance of the institutional factor which ranks second by the influence of all independent variables. The estimation of heterogeneity of the socio-economic space of Russian regions was carried out using the methods of factor analysis of twelve factor-indicators of territories’ attractiveness for the population, which helps form seven clusters. The characteristic of clusters is provided with the use of the author’s method of a three-component vector of socio-economic territorial development. The study revealed the direct impact of the socio-natural component of regional clusters on the institutional response of socio-economic systems and the reverse impact – of the economic and inclusive component. The results can be used as analytical materials to justify the institutional measures for concentrating human capital in the planned centers of economic growth and forecasts of the need for developing the social infrastructure in the regions. The application of the developed methodological approach can be extended to the study of the impact of other institutions on the socio-economic processes
human capital, institutional conditions, responses of socio-economic systems, cluster analysis of regions