Fadeev A.M., Cherepovitsyn A.E., Larichkin F.D. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW EXTRACTIVE REGION IN THE OIL AND GAS PROJECT ACTIVITY ON THE ARCTIC SHELF. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2012, no. 1 (19)
The article deals with the questions of sustainable development of a new extracting region during hydrocarbon field development. Balance of interests and minimizing of the contradictions between state, oil and gas companies and local communities in the oil and gas project activity define the progressive and balanced economic development of the new extracting region.
The authors show the social and economic approaches for hydrocarbon field development taking into account the foreign experience of natural resources exploitation. The article also covers the questions related to the interaction between the state and oil and gas business and the creation of effective control strategy for hydrocarbon resources development in the new oil and gas extracting region
sustainable development, oil and gas industry, hydrocarbon resources, shelf, social and economic effects