
Journal section "Economics of the agro-industrial complex"

Methodology of estimating the economic efficiency of milk production technologies in the summer period

Tuvayev V.N., Gulyayev Y.

3 (21), 2012

Tuvayev V.N., Gulyayev Y. Methodology of estimating the economic efficiency of milk production technologies in the summer period. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2012, no. 3 (21)

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The methodology of estimating milk production technologies efficiency during the summer period is described in the article. Three types of cow housing: stall and pasturable, camping and pasturable, stall and outdoor were analyzed and the results are produced here. It is proved, that for the farms of all types and sizes the camping and pasturable cow housing leads to the lowest values of reduced expenditures and milk cost price during the summer period. These performance indicators can be obtained only if the intensive technologies of milk production are used during the summer period, i.e. the combined green forage chain with the rotational rationed system of livestock grazing and two-shift work scheme


milk production technology, cow productivity, production cost, reduced expenditures, economic effect

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