
Journal section "Social development"

Health care modernization assessed by population and health workers

Shabunova A.A., Astashov N.N., Kondakova N.A., Shkarevskaya S.M.

2 (26), 2013

Health care modernization assessed by population and health workers / Shabunova A.A., Astashov N.N., Kondakova N.A., Shkarevskaya S.M.. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2013, no. 2 (26)

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
At present, the reduction in the quantity and quality of human resources poses a serious threat to society. In order to improve the quality and availability of health services and promote public health, the Healthcare Modernization Programme is being implemented. The paper highlights the main problems of the healthcare system and contains the assessments of the modernization programme by the Vologda Oblast population and healthcare workers


public health, healthcare modernization, satisfaction with health services, assessment of conducted reforms

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