
Journal section "Young researchers"

Assessment of the performance of the region’s agriculture

Anishchenko A.N., Selimenkov R.Y.

5 (29), 2013

Anishchenko A.N., Selimenkov R.Y. Assessment of the performance of the region’s agriculture. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2013, no. 5 (29)

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article presents the socio-economic characteristics of the activity of the region’s agricultural enterprises by the results of the questionnaire survey of enterprises’ managers conducted in 2013. The obtained information has been the basis for identifying problems in the functioning of the Vologda Oblast agriculture and proposes the ways to improve the current situation


labour potential, innovation, investment, agricultural production, world trade organization (wto), management in agriculture, agrarian policy

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