
Journal section "Branch-wise economics"

Organizational and economic mechanism of agriculture modernization

Chekavinskii A.N.

6 (30), 2013

Chekavinskii A.N. Organizational and economic mechanism of agriculture modernization. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2013, no. 6 (30), pp. 91-98

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article substantiates the preconditions for the modernization of Russian agriculture. The effectiveness of the authorities’ measures to stimulate the sector transfer to the intensive way of development is briefly described and evaluated. The article defines main disadvantages of the organizational and economic mechanism of the production modernization in the agricultural sector, consisting in different orientation of operations tools regulating the agrarian and industrial complex, absence of the accounting of climatic conditions and industry specialization. The methodological recommendations with regard to the allocation of budget support funds between different types of agricultural producers depending on their susceptibility to the use of scientific and technological progress are defined


agriculture, modernization, organizational and economic mechanism, susceptibility of agricultural producers to the use of scientific and technological progress

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