
Journal section "Theoretical issues"

Political blackmail – the eve of the global catastrophe

Osipov G.V.

4 (34), 2014

Osipov G.V. Political blackmail – the eve of the global catastrophe. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2014, no. 4 (34), pp. 24-35. DOI: 10.15838/esc/2014.4.34.3

DOI: 10.15838/esc/2014.4.34.3

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article by the leading Russian sociologist and political scientist, who has been studying Russia-U.S. relations for decades, raises an acute issue concerning the necessity of immediate cessation of confrontation between the U.S. and Russia and transition to joint control over the processes going on in the world, and establishment of the multipolar model of the global community. The author provides numerous examples of interaction between the superpowers and the newly emerged countries, former Soviet republics; he shows that particular threat comes from the quasi-states of the former USSR, who seek to fuel the U.S.-Russian confrontation for their own selfish purposes. This policy was manifested especially clearly in the actions of the “Maidan” authorities in Ukraine, who launched the armed terror against its own people in the East of the country to accommodate the U.S. interests and the NATO alliance controlled by this country. The author believes that the response of Russia to such hostile actions of the USA and their Ukrainian proteges should be adequate; it should be composed and peacekeeping, but when the “red” line is crossed – hard and adamant. The author believes that, in connection with the existing situation, the issue of myth-making is coming to the fore. One should be more resolute in reviewing the myths that have nothing to do with the truth, in particular, those concerning the “unbreakable Slavic unity”. The historical memory of inter-ethnic relations between the Russians and their neighbors should be restored in full, without ignoring the facts that are “inconvenient” for the mythology. It is time for Russia to abandon (at least temporarily) its missionary work and selflessness in its relations with Eastern European neighbors, and start building these relations solely on the basis of mutual benefit and respect of mutual obligations


culture, globalization, confrontation, intergovernmental relations, threat to the world, catastrophe, mythology, blackmail, superpowers, self-sufficiency, sanctions, aggression, partnership development, convergence, messianism, well-being, tradition, paradigm

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