The paper considers issues related to the development of interregional economic cooperation.
The primary hypothesis is the thesis that the strengthening of interregional relations is an important factor
in regional economic development. This thesis is confirmed by analysis and generalization of several
scientific theories. Using an industrialized region of Russia (Vologda Oblast) as a case study, the authors test
their own methodological tools of activization of interregional cooperation as a factor in the development
of economy in an industrialized region. The general logic of using this tool involves three main interrelated
steps: informational-analytic, target and implementation. The information-analytical step involves
collection, systematization and analysis of the materials that constitute the necessary information base. The
target step defines possible solutions to the problems related to interregional cooperation of the Vologda
Oblast, forms the targets and objectives (taking into account national goals and regional tasks of industrial
development), highlights the priorities of work in this area and calculates possible consequences of their
implementation. The mechanism for this activity is formed at the implementation phase, which includes
a specific set of tools that are selected in accordance with the current conditions and opportunities of the
government. The paper puts forward a methodological approach to forecasting the development of regional
industry taking into account changes in the economy in connection with the planned modernization and implementation of major investment projects and the possible subsequent growth of regional supplies of
industrial products. The approach is based on the principles of the theory of general economic equilibrium,
“input-output” balance method and methodology of the system of national accounts. The tools proposed by
the authors can be used by regional authorities in developing strategies for economic and social development,
assessing the direction and degree of influence of interregional cooperation on the development of the
territory. The paper outlines the goals, objectives and directions of development of interregional relations
region, forecasting, regional cooperation, prospects, regulation mechanism, input-output balance