The article introduces the readers to the most important studies of the Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which celebrated its thirtieth anniversary this year. The subject of the Center’s scientific research was formed during a rather difficult period of the country’s development. In the early 1990s, the Russian Federation embarked on a path of market transformation. The adopted liberal concept of the country’s transition to the market proclaimed the incompatibility of the plan and the market. Planned management methods were rejected everywhere. The management paradigm adopted was based exclusively on market mechanisms for regulating socio-economic processes at all levels of government. This resulted not only in the increase of negative trends in the economy and social sphere, but in Russia’s descent into the abyss. The situation required finding ways out of the crisis and the country’s transition to a model of sustainable development. Scientific and methodological support for solving this problem at the regional level has become the core in determining the subject of the scientific studies of the Vologda Research Center of RAS. The purpose of the work is to make a review of the research carried out by the Vologda Research Center of RAS on the problems of sustainable development and strategic planning as one of the most appropriate tools for solving this issue
strategic planning, sustainable development, socio-economic development, methodological tools, management methods, factors of sustainable development