
Journal section "Branch-wise economics"

Methodology for assessing the transport security of the territory for the availability of social services

Kuratova E.S.

5 (35), 2014

Kuratova E.S. Methodology for assessing the transport security of the territory for the availability of social services. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2014, no. 5 (35), pp. 251-259. DOI: 10.15838/esc/2014.5.35.21

DOI: 10.15838/esc/2014.5.35.21

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The formation of a rational transport network and the development of vehicles should be marked by the achievement of socio-territorial justice, which is understood as a guarantee of transport accessibility of social services, increase and economy of man’s free time, reduction in the degree of uncertainty of economic activity in the part that depends on transport factors. According to the author, the priorities of the assessment of transport security include the duration of the trip from the settlements to the centers of social services and year-round transportation. Each type of social services has normative values of transport accessibility, corresponding to the needs of a particular region, and they are the basis for strategic planning in the services sector. For instance, the standard time for provision of emergency medical aid is 40 minutes. The level of transport discrimination is defined as the proportion of the population living outside the standard time. The author proposes a formula for determining the weighted average costs of time that a transport user needs for reaching a certain destination (e.g., hospital, school, etc.) from any other departure point. Transport security is assessed on the example of the Komi Republic; the calculation includes all its settlements, considers the distance to the regional centers, condition of roads, obstacles to year-round road communications, transport vehicles, including animal-drawn transport, and going on foot, the speed of movement and other factors. The results of the developed differentiation methodology can be used for interbudgetary control and distribution of resources of the Fund of financial support of municipal formations according to the rate of transport increase in the cost of public services through the coefficients of transport security


transport security, weighted average costs of time, availability and rise in the cost of public services

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