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Ecological business as the major direction of the regional development’s ecologization [1, 2010]

Vershinina S.V.

Ecological and economic relations development in the innovation economy [4, 2009]

Tikhonova T.V. Popova E.A.

Ecological Capital Operation Mode and Path of Poyang Lake Eco-Economic Zone [1, 2018]

Li X. Meng Z.

Ecological Compensation Mechanism in Water Conservation Area: A Case Study of Dongjiang River [3, 2015]

Kong F. Li Z.

Ecological protection in underdeveloped areas of China (the case study of Hubei Province) [5, 2012]

Peng Zhimin .

Ecological protection of underdeveloped regions in China: a case study of Jiangxi Province [4, 2013]

Deng Hong .

Econometric Assessment of Social Indicators’ Influence on the Regional Economic Growth Dynamics (Case Study of the Subjects of the Volga Federal District) [2, 2020]

Bazueva E.V. Radionova M.V.

Economic Activity in Russian Regions [1, 2018]

Rastvortseva S.N.

Economic and qualimetric assessment of pine and spruce species in the Vologda Oblast [3, 2012]

Korchagov S. Strebkov N.

Economic and social changes in Russia’s coal industry during the crisis [2, 2010]

Lazhentsev V.N. Kalinina A.A. Lukanicheva V.P.

Economic behavior: analysis and prospects [1, 2014]

Migranova L.A. Toreev V.B. Yarasheva A.V.

Economic consciousness and behavior: state and trends (1990–2012) [4, 2014]

Toshchenko Z.T.

Economic efficiency of innovation production of removable building structures [2, 2010]

Dokunikhin N.I.

Economic evaluation of the market potential of fruit and berry production in the regions of the European North of the Russian Federation [4, 2013]

Kozmenko S.Y. Uskov V.S.

Economic evaluation of vital potential losses in the Vologda region [4, 2008]

Shabunova A.A. Kalashnikov K.N.

Economic features of projects on the hydrocarbon shelf deposits development [3, 2010]

Fadeev A.M. Cherepovitsyn A.E. Larichkin F.D. Egorov O.

Economic Growth and Environmental Pollution in the USA and Russia: Comparative Spatial-Econometric Analysis [2, 2022]

Kurbatskiy A.N. Shakleina E.I.

Economic Inequality of Citizens beyond Averages: Assessment in the Conditions of its Transformation [3, 2023]

Pugachev A.A.

Economic Integration of Immigrants through Overcoming Inequalities in Employment and Wages. Comparative Analysis of British and French Muslim Communities [3, 2019]

Moisa N.I.

Economic Journal in Russia: Quality Assessment Issues [2, 2016]

Tret’yakova O.V.

Economic journal: problems and prospects of promotion at the national and international level [3, 2014]

Tret’yakova O.V.

Economic Policy Pursued by the Government Is Still Inconsistent with the Interests of the Majority of Russia’s Population [4, 2015]

Ilyin V.A.

Economic realities and development perspectives of small-scale power generation in the Republic of Belarus [3, 2013]

Kovalyov I.L. Kovalyov L.I.

Economic risks of agricultural organizations’ activity in the Vologda Oblast in the context of Russia’s membership in WTO [6, 2012]

Ivanova M.N.

Economic situation and social well-being of the population in the regions of the North-West Federal District of Russia and the Republic of Belarus [1, 2010]

Shabunova A.A. Kozhina T.P. Shuhatovich V.R.

Economic status and social well-being of North-West Russia regions’ population amid the economic crisis [4, 2009]

Gulin K.A. Dement’eva I.N.

Economic transformation in Russia in 1990–2012 and its reflection in the consciousness of the Russians [5, 2014]

Anisimov R.I.

Economic-Organizing Mechanisms of Strategic Priorities Implementation in the Development of Tourism and Recreation in Northwest Russia [2, 2009]

Akhobadze D.

Economy of the region: from crisis to sustainable development [3, 2009]

Jogman L.

Economy, Standard of Living and Quality of Life in the Region (Reflections on the Dictionary-Reference Book Regional Economics Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences) [4, 2022]

Bobkov V.N. Bobkov N.V. Chashchina T.V.